Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Staying, Leaving, or Quietly Imploding Beneath a Serene Facade - Considering New York

As time goes on, more and more of my friends who came to New York from far off places are starting to hate the city, and a lot of them are making plans to leave. I've been thinking about this myself for months now, changing my mind depending on my mood and my career prospects and whatnot.

But slowly yet surely most of the people I get along best with here are making motions to head elsewhere. And nothing makes somebody seriously consider their attachment to a place quite like the prospect of being left alone there.

So, after a long think (and an even longer rant/self-scolding diatribe below the cut), I've reached an honest-to-god decision.

I don't like living in New York because it makes me uncomfortable. And because of that I'm going to stay.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Killing the Bar, but Keeping the Change - Bar Quest, Part Two

Work is insane, so obviously any real post involving TV or books is simply not possible. I haven't got the time to get my work done properly, much less type up my (oh so sophisticated) thoughts on popular culture and literature...

Or I'm just super lazy and can't muster up the energy to talk about things in a semi-intelligent manner. Which ever option you like best. So what the hey! Let's talk about NYC bars again!

Nearly a year into living in NYC, and my list of frequented bars has increased! I would claim to be cultured, but let's be honest - I'm too broke for culture. As is, I've got me a huge list of dives I've been to and liked, and as such I feel the need to share them all with you. Note that my original aims of finding 'the' bar have faded into a desire to not spend all of my money for a particular pay period in one night. As such, this list is not only limited, but incredibly biased. But cheap! Which could be a deal breaker when chilling in one of the most expensive cities in the world. See? Look at me. Being useful. Maybe.


Look! Stuff about bars!