So after the Month of Death (TM) that was June, I've been meaning to write a lot for this thing. I want to talk about all the episodes I ruthlessly skipped over for "Game of Thrones," along with a recap post that has book spoilers in it. I want to do a recommendation for the excellent psycho-thriller show "Luther" that has Stringer Bell (Idris Elba) playing a good cop and Jane Eyre (Ruth Wilson) playing a crazy killer. I want to write reviews of
A Confederacy of Dunces by
John Kennedy Toole and
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by
Jonathan Safran Foer. I wanted to bitch about the Fourth of July Curse, the stress of trying to find a real job (or even a fake one), and do another Bar Quest post...
But after finishing up thirteen hours of insane, brilliant, brutal television, I've got to do something else.
I have to order anyone who isn't watching "Breaking Bad" to start. Now. You all have five days until the the fourth season begins. Just stay home sick from work and watch 13-odd hours of TV every day, and you'll be ready for the continuation of some of the best damn TV you're likely to come across.
No spoilers to be found, just lots and lots of squee.